Metal Roof vs Shingles: Which One is Right for Your Home?

Metal Roof vs Shingles_ Which One is Right for Your Home_


Your roof is more than just a cap atop your home; it’s a guardian against the elements and a statement piece for your curb appeal. As you contemplate replacing this vital aspect of your dwelling, the sheer variety of materials available might seem daunting. Two heavyweight options stand out among the contenders: the time-tested asphalt shingles and the modern contender, metal roofing.

This comprehensive guide will navigate the nuances that differentiate metal roofing from shingles. Covering aspects like cost, durability, installation procedures, and more, we’ll equip you with the insights needed to make an informed decision. 

This exploration between the two materials aims to simplify complexities, ensuring that by the end, you’ll have a clearer picture of which roofing material aligns perfectly with your home’s needs and preferences.

Comparing Pricing Between Metal Roofs and Shingles

Choosing a metal roof and asphalt shingles extends beyond their initial price tags. Here, we’ll explore the financial differences and factors contributing to their costs.

Material Costs

Regarding pricing, the materials you choose significantly impact your commercial roofing budget. For metal roofs, such as steel and aluminum, costs can vary. In most cases, these common metal roofing options range from $1.00 to $6.50 per square foot, with an average cost of around $3.50 per square foot. On the other hand, considering asphalt roofs, there’s a different pricing scenario. The average material cost for asphalt roofs usually sits around $2.25 per square foot. The price range for asphalt roofing materials typically falls between $1.75 to approximately $3.25 per square foot.

Asphalt roofing materials are more budget-friendly than metal roofing materials. However, remember that material expenses don’t solely determine the final cost. Your choice between steel or aluminum and the style of asphalt shingles you decide on – whether it’s the basic 3-tab, dimensional, or high-end luxury shingles – can significantly influence the overall cost of your roofing project.

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Labor & Installation Costs

When it comes to the expenses linked to labor and installation, there are noticeable differences between metal and asphalt roofs. Installing a metal roof can require a higher level of specialization, usually involving skilled metal roofing contractors. This specialized approach can result in higher labor costs.

Conversely, installing asphalt roofing doesn’t demand the same expertise, which can lead to more affordable labor expenses. You can even attempt a do-it-yourself installation for an asphalt roof. However, it’s generally recommended to rely on a professional roofing contractor. Their expertise ensures a proper and secure installation, minimizing potential issues in the long run.

Additionally, consider the potential impact on costs if your installation requires the removal of your existing roof before the new one can be installed. This added step can affect labor and disposal costs, providing a more comprehensive understanding of the overall expenses for both types of roofing. Nevertheless, remember that removal charges typically remain consistent, regardless of the type of roof you’re installing.

Average Time to Install

The time it takes to install a roof can influence your costs and convenience. Generally, installing an asphalt roof is quicker compared to a metal roof. Asphalt roofs can typically be installed in one to three days, whereas metal roofs might take up to a week. 

However, most roofing companies base their charges on the roof’s square footage. The installation timeline primarily affects your comfort and the protection of your home, especially concerning weather conditions in your area.

As you weigh the financial aspects, consider the immediate expenses and the long-term benefits and durability each roofing type offers. Let’s understand this better in our section below.

Comparing Metal Roofs and Shingles

Comparing Metal Roofs and Shingles

When pitting metal roofs against shingles, some clear distinctions emerge. Often crafted from steel, aluminum, copper, or tin, metal roofs are more expensive than roof shingles. However, their durability and long-term benefits can outweigh the initial expense. Let’s delve into the comparison:

Durability and Resilience 

Metal roofing holds a notable advantage in the context of durability. Metal roofs stand firm against the elements and withstand hail, high winds, and severe weather conditions. Metal roofs are also impervious to mold and moisture damage, which can frequently plague traditional shingles.

Longevity and Lifespan

Metal roofs have the upper hand in terms of longevity. Metal roofs can last 50 years or even more, assuming no unforeseen accidents or extreme weather events. In contrast, shingle roofs have a comparatively shorter lifespan, typically 20 to 50 years, based on your local climate and maintenance efforts.

Insurance Implications

Opting for a metal roof can reduce homeowners’ insurance premiums. However, this may come with a trade-off. Insurance companies might classify hail dents on metal roofs as cosmetic damage, meaning coverage might only apply if the metal is broken. Shingle roofs, while generally more susceptible to hail damage, might not encounter the same coverage nuances.

Installation Complexity

The installation of metal roofs demands a higher level of expertise due to their specialized nature. Finding skilled professionals for metal roof installation can be challenging, and securing their services may involve waiting for availability. On the other hand, shingle roofs have a relatively straightforward installation process, often carried out by local roof repair Nashville experts.

DIY Feasibility

Metal roofs are typically not recommended for DIY installation due to their intricacies and the specialized tools and techniques required. Shingle roofs, while more approachable for DIY enthusiasts, still demand a certain level of skill and safety precautions.

Repair Difficulty

Metal roof repairs can be more intricate, often involving replacing entire panels. This can incur higher costs and take more time. Shingle roofs offer relatively simpler and less costly repairs, although they might necessitate more frequent attention.

Maintenance Requirements

Metal roofs are favored for their low maintenance needs. They require minimal care and are resilient against issues like mold and mildew. Shingle roofs, however, require more frequent maintenance due to their susceptibility to mold, individual shingle damage, and potential cracking or peeling.

Home Resale Value

Picking the right roof can influence how much your home is worth when you sell it. Metal roofs can make your home look better and be more appealing to buyers. People who know about the benefits of metal roofing, like how strong and energy-efficient it is, might be willing to pay more for a home with this kind of roof. They’ll feel confident they won’t need a new roof for long. Taking good care of a metal roof can make your home worth more when you decide to sell it. 

On the other hand, while shingle roofs work well, they might not make your home look as nice or increase its value as much. Still, it’s important to remember that no matter what style you choose, getting a new roof from professional Nashville roofing contractors can raise your home’s value.

Aesthetics & Design Differences

The visual aspects and design variations between metal roofs and asphalt shingles contribute to their unique charm and curb appeal. Choosing the more appealing option boils down to personal preference, sometimes influenced by your geographical location.

Metal roofs exhibit diverse styles, from corrugated to standing seam, and can even comprise metal panels or shingles. This versatility extends to designs, patterns, and colors, offering ample room for customization. 

On the other hand, asphalt roofing products present a spectrum of colors and shingle shapes, allowing for slightly less extensive customization compared to metal roofs. Nonetheless, most homeowners seeking an asphalt roof will discover a design option that harmonizes with their residential roofing project.

Related Read: Reason to consider roof replacement in 2023

Metal Roofings Pros and Cons

Metal Roofings Pros and Cons


  • Metal roofs are renowned for their exceptional lifespan, often surpassing other roofing materials in durability.
  • These roofs are incredibly robust and withstand challenging weather conditions, including high winds and heavy snow.
  • Metal’s reflective nature helps reduce heat absorption, resulting in potential energy savings on cooling expenses during hot months.


  • The primary downside for most homeowners is the higher upfront cost of a metal roof compared to other options.
  • Metal roof repair or replacement can be more complex and costly due to factors like improper installation or damage.
  • Metal roofs are heavier, which might concern structures with lower load-bearing capacity, potentially affecting their suitability.

Roof Shingles Pros and Cons


  • Shingles are cost-effective and readily accessible, known for their widespread use due to their affordability.
  • Shingles are quick and simple to install, making them a favored choice for many roofs.
  • High-quality shingles can withstand diverse weather conditions, enduring heavy rain, wind, and snow.
  • When damage occurs, fixing shingles is straightforward—you only need to replace the damaged ones.


  • Shingles can be vulnerable to damage caused by strong winds and heavy precipitation.
  • They are prone to mold and mildew growth, potentially leading to maintenance concerns.
  • Unlike some other roofing options, shingles might not offer significant energy-saving benefits.

Metal Roofing Vs. Shingle: What’s Your Choice?

Ultimately, the choice between a metal roof and shingles rests with you. Both options can work well in various regions and climates, yet significant differences deserve careful consideration before making your decision. It’s important to note that regardless of the material you choose, the quality of installation performed by professional roofers is paramount.

At Tim Leeper Roofing in Nashville, we understand the significance of a well-installed roof in safeguarding your home and ensuring long-lasting value. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing top-notch roofing solutions tailored to your specific needs. Whether you lean towards metal’s durability or shingles’ versatility, our expertise and commitment to excellence ensure your roofing project is in reliable hands. 

Contact us today to discuss your roofing options and embark on a journey toward a secure and aesthetically pleasing roofing solution for your home.


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